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CAS is an acronym for Creativity, Activity, and Service and is an integral part of the IB program. It requires students to engage in extracurricular activities to promote personal growth, well-being, and community service.

What exactly is CAS ?

CAS stands for Creativity, Action, and Service, and is mandatory for all IB students. It is an opportunity for students to try new things, help their community, and develop valuable skills. The CAS program has 7 learning objectives that students must fulfill, including teamwork and global awareness.

Students begin their CAS projects and activities in Y11, including a mandatory summer project before they begin Y12.

CAS is a chance for you to showcase your commitment and engage in activities you're passionate about. So, embrace it and make the most out of it!

7 Learning Objectives


Encourages innovation and originality through drama, design, and multimedia projects. Examples include learning a new instrument, making school decorations, or writing blog posts.


Encourages students to participate in physical pursuits that support a healthy lifestyle, which includes all team and individual sports.


Encourages students to engage in community service programs and interact with a person or group for the good of the community. Tutoring younger children, volunteering at an animal shelter, or working with a non-governmental organization are a few examples.

CAS Highlights

Anchor 1

Projects 2020 - 2022

One new project was the creation of a CAS News Writer. Elisabetta, Class of 2023, spearheaded the project by providing information on the annually recurring projects, summer CAS projects and new CAS projects added in 2020. 

Image by Mr Cup / Fabien Barral


CAS Strand: Creativity

Duration: year round.

UNCENSORED is the school´s first online magazine with its very own website, Instagram page and notice board in school. It involves a group of writers, editors, illustrators and photographers who work together to produce content. Their slogan is “news from a different perspective”. Students get the chance to write about topics that are important to them from their own perspectives. This includes articles, reviews, opinion pieces and interviews accompanied by photographs and illustration.

UNCENSORED was based off the previous CAS activity Fake News and launched in May 2020.

ESA Space Camp

CAS Strand: Creativity

Duration: summer 

For her summer CAS activity Ella Nergaard participated in Space Camp 2022 which was held by ESA (The European Space Agency). The camp took place in Bischofsgrün and lasted for two weeks. Participants attended the lessons which discussed every aspect of a rocket campaign, including brainstorming rocket technology, taking part in a debate about space and of course building a rocket.

The experience was very practical and hands-on. As described by Ella: “For building the rocket, I had to assemble rocket parts, this included gluing things together and using a 3D printer to create the nose cone. As for Kerbal (the rocket simulation) I had to build a rocket on a computer. After building the rocket I had to learn how to fly it as well as how to land it on the moon´s surface.”

This activity is a perfect summer CAS activity as not only does it take place every year during the holidays, but it also covers the Creativity strand. The building process of the rocket was particularly fun, as participants could design the rocket however they wanted to. Throughout the program Ella learned more about space and how rockets actually function. “Using the simulation rocket app was […] enjoyable because I learnt how to fly the rocket and although I crashed it multiple times, I still managed to make it to the moon.”

ESOC summer camp building model_edited.j


Forest Trail

CAS Strand: Service 

Duration: summer

Founded in 1899, NABU (Naturschutzbund Deutschland or Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union in English) is one of the oldest and largest environmental associations in Germany.  NABU's main objectives are the preservation of habitats and biodiversity, the promotion of sustainability in agriculture, forest management, and water supply and distribution, as well as to enhance the significance of nature conservation in our society.

Mrs. Sharifzadeh, who is in contact with Tino Westphal, the leader of NABU in Seeheim, offers CAS students the chance to participate in 

various projects. Most of the undertakings take place during the weekend when students have time. These include cutting down trees, moving logs, mowing open fields, saving amphibians and much more.

This activity is great for students who are passionate about nature and animals, and eager to preserve the earth.

Volunteering at the Retirement Home

CAS Strand: Service 

Duration: summer

Over the summer, Anna and Taehee, volunteered at the Altenzentrum (retirement home) in Seeheim.

Finding a CAS activity to undertake during the summer break may sound challenging, but in many cases, it only takes a quick search on the Internet to find many opportunities in the vicinity. In this case, all it took was an email from Taehee asking if it would be possible to volunteer over the summer. 

Retirement home from


The activity essentially consists of keeping the residents in the home company. Whether it be playing board games with them, reading out loud, painting, going for a walk or simply talking with them. Bingo nights were particularly enjoyable. Despite some communication challenges due to the seniors only speaking German, there was a lot to learn through her eye-opening conversations with the retirees.  Anna commented, “Talking with them about their lives was interesting as they experienced the Second World War, so I received first-hand accounts of what it was like during the Hitler regime, and the war, and the aftermath in general. Some of them even talked about their careers with me and gave me advice for my future.”

Volunteering at the retirement home is the perfect summer CAS activity as extra help is mostly required due to the staff going on holiday. Furthermore, the organisational process is simple, the people are kind and the times are very flexible. This means you can get your hours done over the days you want to, instead of doing it exactly over two weeks of your holiday.

This activity is also great because it ticks off the Global Engagement learning outcome, which is the most challenging one, as isolation and loneliness amongst the older generation is one of global issues. Spending quality time with elderly people helps to reduce social isolation and loneliness among them. As Anna added, “the activities you wouldn’t expect doing or or expect to be fun, end up being the most valuable experiences and are eye-openers.”

Relaxation Club 

CAS Strand: Activity and Service 

Duration: year round

This activity started a few years ago by Ms. Koniarski, head of the supervision. As she is a licensed and active yoga teacher, she suggested a program where students would learn yoga, Qigong, and other fascinating techniques. 


Once students gain sufficient knowledge on some of the topics, they can start with basic yoga exercises. Not only is the practical aspect of this experience fun and beneficial, but the theory is

Image by Ksenia Makagonova

intriguing too. Some days, whole yoga sessions are conducted, while others, students continue learning more about the exercises. At the end of the lesson pupils feel relaxed and peaceful.

This activity is great for CAS as it encompasses Action and Service. Why Service? Because, after a few months of learning about yoga and meditation, it´s the students´ turn to go visit lower classes and teach them about relaxation. Younger pupils are introduced to the world of yoga and join in on the exercises.

Not only does this pursuit help achieve several learning objectives, most importantly it is a healthy and useful activity that allows students to grow as people. Two students who graduated in 2018-2019 reported that they still kept practicing yoga and meditation themselves, even after they were finished with school and CAS.


One of the current year 11 CAS students participating in the relaxation club reflects, “Personally, I enjoy the experience of having a time in our day, where we attempt to relax, forget about everything else that has been bothering us, and we stay in this peaceful state of mind for a few minutes. I enjoy this stress-free moment the most, and I can only tell others to try it as well. One gets to learn so much about yoga, and who knows, maybe you will like it so much that you wish to go forward with it too after school. I always look forward to our session and the new, exciting features we get to learn about.”

German Club 

CAS Strand: Creativity and Service 

Duration: year round

German club consists of a group of year 11´s, led by Mrs. Sharifzadeh, who help out younger students who struggle with German. This is done by playing games, watching videos, listening to German songs and several other activities. Help with homework is also offered.

This activity falls under the Creativity and Service strands of CAS. It involves creative thinking, as students must use their imagination to come up with new activities each week that are fun, engaging and formative for the younger year groups. The project counts towards Service because students assist others and share their knowledge.

Not only do the Y11 students interact with younger pupils, but German club CAS students also cooperate with each other in order to create and run the sessions, achieving the 5th learning objective: demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively. Marlene Averbeck, a year 11 CAS student and member of German Club states, “It´s really fun working with the students because they are really open to almost everything.”

Projects 2022 - 2023

The CAS News Writer project welcomed two students from the Class of 2024: Ylva Hoven and Emily Höcker. Here are highlights of some summer CAS projects as well as year round projects. 

Bensheim Refugee Camp

CAS Strand: Creativity and Service

Duration: year round and summer

Many countries all over the world are facing extreme political conflict, economic crises and natural disaster that lead to the people having to escape their countries and seek shelters somewhere else safe. By providing short- and long-term shelters, Germany plays a role as a donor of humanitarian assistance. 

Volunteering in a refugee camp can seem overwhelming and intimidating at first. But if you are determined to help people in need and open to being more active in your community, then this could be the perfect summer CAS for you. 


There are many different jobs you can do at a refugee camp, such as helping in the kitchen, handing out food, cleaning, showing refugees around town, teaching German and even translating letters if you’re bilingual. 


This is a perfect summer CAS as it covers all learning outcomes and also counts towards the service and activity strands. Depending on what tasks you participate in, it can even apply towards the creativity strand. This is an activity perfect for everybody. All you need to bring to the table is an open mind and a willingness to listen. You’ll receive a simple training at the start to prepare you for this great opportunity. 


One student from the class of 2023 volunteered at the refugee camp in Bensheim for her summer CAS project. She mentioned how despite the challenges one can face with language barriers, this activity is very rewarding and insightful. She also mentioned that learning the stories of the fellow volunteers at the camp is also a great way to connect and make new friends. She enjoyed her Summer CAS so much, that she even continued it after the break. 

By: Ylva Hoven, Class of 2024

SISS Alumni Club

CAS Strand: Creativity and Service

Duration: year round and summer

The alumni website was launched in December 2022. It was created not only to nourish the connection between the SISS and former students but also between SISS alumni themselves. The content of SISS alumni’s website, includes a list of links to IB study resources (e.g., past papers, video and podcast), locations of planned reunion events and information about former students’ study, gap year and career paths once they left school.


Creating the website was part of a CAS summer activity. Although it required a lot of work, the students enjoyed learning the basics of website development as a team. Every member had a different responsibility to create different features of the website.


Marlene recommends the Alumni Club to others because it allows for a lot of creative freedom and only has a few limits. 

The Alumni Club covers creativity as well as service strands as the students maintain the home page by working on the posts, layout and design. Furthermore, they organise get together events for alumni. It also ticks six out of the seven learning objectives (developing new skills, initiate and plan a CAS experience, commitment and perseverance, working collaboratively, ethics of choice and action, global significance). 


By: Emily Höcker,

Class of 2024

Volunteering at NABU

CAS Strand: Service

Duration: summer

Founded in 1899, NABU (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union), is one of the largest nature conservation groups, with more than 875,000 members and supporters. It is aiming to spread awareness of the declining biodiversity and organises national and international projects to help preserve nature and protect the environment. 

For a summer CAS activity, Marisa spent a week volunteering at NAJU (Naturschutzjugend im NABU), one of NABU’s national projects for young people in Seeheim. Her voluntary work was to take care of the NABU sheep which play a significant role in controlling the vegetation in the local area.

As part of her voluntary work, Marisa helped with trimming down part of the field, assembling an electric fence, building the shelter and herding the sheep from the old pasture to the new one.  Her regular tasks included monitoring the well-being of the sheep by feeding them, refilling the water on a regular basis and making sure the fences were still standing. In addition, she had to treat the wounded sheep.  

When asked about her voluntary work Marisa commented: “I hope that next year more students will be interested in the activity, especially since my supervisor, Mr Westphal told me that he was aiming to have a larger student group that would independently take care of the sheep, which would also be a great way to show responsibility.” 

This CAS activity is a great way to engage in the local community as well as the environment around us. It covers the service strand and provides all learning objectives, especially global engagement. Volunteering at NABU is an interesting CAS activity for summer and one that can be continued throughout the year. You have a chance to meet new people as you work in a group, which of course also develops communication and teamwork skills. Although there could be a slight language barrier if you’ve just begun learning German, the people from NABU are open to try their best to communicate in English. 

To join the NABU you can speak with Mrs Sharifzadeh who is in contact with Mr Timo Westphal who is responsible for the NABU in Seeheim.


By: Emily Höcker,

Class of 2024


Many people wish to be able to have some experience in a company or some knowledge about the work culture before entering the job market. A great way to gain this experience, especially for students, is by doing an internship. Not only do internships give a huge benefit for the future of anybody who participates, they are also great CAS activity as they cover most learning objectives, although this can vary from internship to internship, and are great Summer CAS activity for anybody interested.

Computer Programming

CAS Strand: potentially a mixture of all three

Duration: summer

One student was intrigued by this prospect and applied for an internship at SAP over the summer. He had been looking for an internship for a while, and after some got cancelled due to Covid, he was finally able to participate in one at SAP (System Analysis Program Development).  SAP is an international software engineering company that produces software for the management of business processes. 

An internship at SAP is great for anybody, especially students interested in computer science and programming. During his internship, each day entailed a different theme, including Work at SAP, Introduction to Dual Studium at SAP, Java Crash Course and Developing an Android App.

Despite it being challenging at the start, due to the new work environment, he quickly adjusted. The internship was beyond his expectations, as he didn’t expect to develop his own app and make as many connections as he did. It was a very enjoyable experience as he was able to learn many new skills he didn’t have prior to the internship.

By: Ylva Hoven, Class of 2024

Projects 2023 - 2024

The CAS Info and Event Committee Group and one guest writer, tell us about two new projects. 

A Night of Rhythm and Radiance at SISS

CAS Strand: Activity and Service

Duration: fall/winter 2024

Our SISS secondary transformed into a mesmerizing dance floor on 15th December 2023 as students gathered to celebrate the unforgettable Winter Dance. The night was a rich success with vibrant decorations, pulsating beats, and a contagious spirit of joy, leaving everyone with cherished memories to carry forward.

The beats that echoed loudly through SISS building that night were terrific musical hits from the 90s and popular modern songs from today. Even visitors had the freedom to request any song they desired. The dance floor came alive with an eclectic mix of tunes curated to suit every taste and keep the energy soaring. The DJ skillfully navigated through genres, creating a playlist that seamlessly blended nostalgia with the latest hits, ensuring a rhythmic journey with everyone on their feet.

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@Ylva Hoven

Students showcased their sartorial creativity, turning the Winter Dance into a runway of stylish ensembles. From glamorous gowns to lavish suits, the fashion at the dance was a visual spectacle. The commitment to the theme was evident in the attention to detail, with students effortlessly incorporating it into their attire, adding an extra layer of charm to the event.

                                                                                                                Students showcased their sartorial creativity, turning the Winter                                                                                                                          Dance into a runway of stylish ensembles. From glamorous gowns                                                                                                                      to lavish suits, the fashion at the dance was a visual spectacle. The                                                                                                                      commitment to the theme was evident in the attention to detail, with                                                                                                                  students effortlessly incorporating it into their attire, adding an extra                                                                                                                  layer of charm to the event.

                                                                                                                Behind the scenes, the success of the Winter Dance was a                                                                                                                                    testament to the dedication and hard work of the Dance Committee                                                                                                                  and teachers. Their meticulous planning, creative ideas, and tireless                                                                                                                  efforts ensured that every detail, from the thematic decorations to                                                                                                                      the smooth flow of events, was executed flawlessly. Their                                                                                                                                      collaborative spirit and commitment to creating a memorable experience for the students were truly commendable, making the dance a resounding success and a cherished memory for everyone involved. 

Photos were the last puzzle pieces to create lively memories. The photo booth stood out with its mesmerizing golden and silver

theme. The glittering hues added a touch of glamour, creating the perfect backdrop for students to capture and commemorate their radiant moments from the winter Dance. The decoration played a crucial role in setting the atmosphere of the event. The contributed to the over all ambience, making it a hotspot for laughter and snapshots throughout the night.

By: SISS CAS Info and Event Committee Group

Winter Dance#2

@Alexandrina Hogan

Chinmay Patki’s Summer CAS activity in Tarale Vastigruha, India

CAS Strand: Service

Duration: Summer

Chinmaya Patki CAS #1 .png

@Chinmay Patki

In the heart of Maharashtra, lies a school for children in the village of Tarale is known for being the only boarding school in the area and that’s a lifeline for the children whose home is far from their school providing them with reliable education, and presenting them with a ray of hope. I got to spend 3 days in the institution, rolling up my sleeves and pitching in with whatever was needed while interacting with children, most of whom were near my age.

During my stay, I took charge of arranging the food for a national holiday that took place during my stay. Taking place on the 15th of August, the prosperous day that blesses India every year, the 74th Independence Day of India. One highlight was lending a hand in the kitchen, whipping up delicious meals for a special occasion. As we celebrated this significant occasion, the aroma of freshly cooked food and patriotism drifted through the air, bringing joy once again to the residents of Tarale.

In Maharashtra’s secluded areas, like these, many children are illiterate, simply because they live far from a school. On average some children live a daunting 5 kilometers away from the nearest classroom. Imagine trekking that distance every single day, with no bike to ease the journey. Unfortunately, many can't overcome this problem and are forced to abandon their studies prematurely. Instead of pursuing their dreams, they often find themselves following their parents’ paths, by inheriting their line of business or becoming farmers, sooner than they should. For this very purpose, the boarding school of Tarale (a direct translation of the Marathi term, Tarale Vastigruha) stands as a symbol of hope. It serves as sanctuary that provides a home for the children from grades 5-10, who eagerly seek education. The parents pay very nominal fees, ensuring that no financial constarins hinder the children's right to learn. The institution is paid for mostly by donations, contributions not only flow in through the local residents but also the bustling metropolitan cities like Mumbai and Pune.

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@Chinmay Patki

Chinmay Patik CAS #2 .png

@Chinmay Patki

My time in Tarale was not only a huge opportunity but also an eye opener, I also harnessed the chance to develop my managerial skills in the process. From orchestrating lively celebrations to devising engaging games for the children during their leisure hours between their evening prayers and dinner at 18:00 and 20:00 respectively, I embraced every opportunity to employ a vibrant and inclusive atmosphere. Moreover, my efforts were not confined to the school's walls alone; I also played my part in the broader battle against educational disparities in our homeland. This is how I left Tarale with a sense of optimism, in the hopes that my motherland is gradually improving to become a better nation.

By: Chinmay Patki, Class of 2024

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